
Resident driven, weekly Convocations have been a part of Monte Vista Grove campus culture for years. Offering a variety of presentations, musical performances and speakers on a wide array of intellectual, theological, and cultural topics, organized and run by our creative and enterprising resident body. These gatherings are always free and open to the public!

Usually, Convocations are held here on campus each Thursday (with a summer hiatus), and this year we invite you to join us from your living room. The virtual format allows anyone to join from anywhere, and allows us to host speakers from all over the world.



readers theater

december 19, 2024

3:45 PM

Trifles is a one-act play about two farmers’ wives who huddle in a friend’s abandoned kitchen while their male partners scavenger the farmhouse for clues to a murder. This is a clever whodunit revealing how gender assumptions can get in the way of problem solving. The audience has to guess the solution. Written in 1916, it is frequently published in anthologies of great American plays and is still widely performed. MVG residents will read; Nancy Macky is the director.

Tommy Givens

december 12, 2024

3:45 PM

Tommy Givens is Professor of New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary, where he has taught for the last 15 years. Tommy emphasizes the application of biblical teaching for how God’s people can live out their witness to the gospel, especially in these troubling times in which we live. This familiar saying has been interpreted in a variety of ways throughout church history. Tommy will describe this saying in its original context and how Jesus’ followers heard and received this teaching. Then we will discuss the implications of Jesus’ teaching for Christian ethics today as God’s people engage the important and contentious topic of politics. This will be a very conversational Convocation, so come ready to listen and discuss.

Rev. Dr. Pamela Baker Powell

November 21, 2024

3:45 PM

The Rev. Dr. Pamela Baker Powell is a PCUSA minister, seminary professor and author. Pam holds an M.Div. from Fuller and a D. Min. from Pittsburgh Seminary. She was ordained by San Fernando Presbytery in 1984 and over the years she has served as the preaching pastor in four churches in different parts of the country. In 2000, she began teaching pastoral theology on the faculty of Trinity (Anglican) School for Ministry in the Pittsburgh area. Following a move to San Diego, she taught on the faculty of Bethel Seminary, San Diego. After retirement, Pam began to pursue a research interest in the topic of Christian friendship. Her book, Friendship: The Forgotten Spiritual Discipline published this spring by Wipf and Stock is the fruit of that effort. Pam is married to the Rev. Dr. John Paul Powell. The Powells have three grown, married children, and nine grandchildren. Two of their children are ordained Presbyterian ministers; another is an L.A. lawyer. The Powells reside in Wheaton, Illinois.

tim mccalmont

November 14, 2024

3:45 PM

The Reverend Tim McCalmont served churches in Seattle, Washington, and Downey, California, before spending 23 years as Senior Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa, retiring in 2017. He grew up in Hollywood and attended Hollywood Presbyterian Church where he was ordained after graduating from Fuller Seminary in 1977. Tim is the Associate Producer of the film documentary on the life of Henrietta Mears, MEARS: How One Woman Changed American Christianity.

Dr. Lucy Jones

November 7, 2024

3:45 PM

Thinking Like a Scientist About Questions of Faith and What this Means for Climate Change Dr. Lucy Jones is founder and chief scientist of the nonprofit Dr. Lucy Jones Center for Science and Society, which supports the application of science in the creation of more resilient communities. With a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language and Literature from Brown University and a Ph.D. in Geophysics from MIT, she worked as a seismologist at the US Geological Survey for 33 years where she developed the methodology used for earthquake advisories in the State of California, created the Great ShakeOut drill, encompassing over 60 million participants globally in 2019, served as Science Advisor for Seismic Safety for the Mayor of Los Angeles and wrote over 100 published papers on statistical seismology and integrated disaster scenarios. She has held visiting professorships at University of California (Hitchcock Chair), and University of Oregon (Morse chair). Dr. Jones is the author of The Big Ones: How natural disasters have shaped us (and what we can do about them), published by Doubleday in 2018, and available in 7 languages. In 2020, she launched the podcast, Getting Through It, with co-host John Bwarie. She is also a musician, performing on the viol with Los Angeles Baroque and SoCal Viols, and composed music on climate change, In Nomine Terra Calens,    • In Nomine Terra Calens: In the name o...  . Her pioneering science was recognized with numerous awards, including the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal, the Distinguished Service Award from the US Department of Interior, public service awards from the American Geophysical Union, Seismological Society of America, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Geological Society of America and the American Geosciences Institute, and the Gilbert White and Beno Gutenberg Award Lectures from the American Geophysical Union. She created and now leads a project to engage climate scientists, social scientists and musicians in creating music that will inspire action on the climate crisis called Tempo: Music for Climate Action.

For Our Daughters

October 31, 2024

3:45 PM

Kristin Kobes Du Mez, the creator/author of Jesus and John Wayne, has produced a powerful new documentary highlighting how a culture of submission and sexual abuse in the evangelical church ties directly to the Christian nationalist quest to use the outcome of the 2024 election to deprive all American women of basic democratic rights. FOR OUR DAUGHTERS speaks to all persons of faith, encouraging them to use their voices and their votes to ensure that their daughters will have the rights to health and happiness guaranteed to all Americans.

Guy Gardner

October 24, 2024

3:45 PM

Guy began his career as an Air Force fighter pilot and test pilot, later becoming a NASA astronaut, where he piloted two Space Shuttle missions: STS-27, launching a DoD payload, and STS-35, carrying the ASTRO-1 astronomy lab. He held several leadership roles, including Head of the USAF Test Pilot School, NASA Associate Administrator for Space Flight (Russian Programs), and FAA Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety. After government service, Guy taught high school math and physics, consulted in risk management, and served as a leader at Riverside Military Academy and Williamson College of the Trades. In 2014, he hiked the Appalachian Trail. Currently, he teaches homeschool students. Guy and his wife, Linda Gardner, have three children, five grandchildren, and have been active in various volunteer roles, including advisory boards and youth groups.

Dr. Richard Mouw

October 17, 2024

3:45 PM

Dr. Mouw served as President of Fuller Theological Seminary (1993-2013) before returning to teaching on the integration of faith and public life. Before coming to Fuller as professor of Christian ethics and philosophy and as provost, he taught for 17 years at Calvin College, as well as serving as visiting professor at the Free University of Amsterdam. Dr. Mouw is renowned for his practical faith, shown in books such as Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport and Praying at Burger King, as well as his groundbreaking dialogues with leaders of the Church of Latter Day Saints. Two of Dr. Richard Mouw's many books offer biblical and ethical wisdom especially for this election season: How to Be a Patriotic Christian--Love of Country as Love of Neighbor and Uncommon Decency: Christian Civility in an Uncivil World. As a scholar in the Reformed tradition, philosopher, and American citizen, Dr. Mouw recently offered leadership in a six week course called The After Party, on civil discourse and Christian faith in our polarized culture.

John Thompson

October 10, 2024

3:45 PM

John Thompson will offer an introduction to the Barmen Declaration of 1934 and its background in the Kirchenkampf or "German church struggle" that developed in the first half of the twentieth century and came to a head under the Third Reich. The Barmen Declaration is one of the confessional standards of the PC (USA); and, considered in its context, it has much to say to us as the American church of today also struggles to define itself in the midst of cultural and political turmoil.

Rev. Dr. Alexia Silvatierra

October 3, 2024

3:45 PM

Dr. Silvatierra is the academic dean for Centro Latino, and associate Professor of Mission and Global Transformation at Fuller Seminary. She is a world-renowned scholar with a special focus on the gifts and calling of the Hispanic immigrant community. Dr Salvatierra will address “The Movement of the Holy Spirit in the Latina Church.”


September 27, 2024

3:45 PM

We will have a presentation by a Hispanic dance troupe followed by speaker, Gustavo Garcia.

Peacemaking and climate change

Frances Namoumou

September 20, 2024

3:45 PM

Frances Namoumou, PCUSA sponsored International Peacemaker from Fiji, will speak on peacemaking and the climate crisis.

Stories from the writing class

September 12, 2024

3:45 PM

This will be the book launch for the writing class’s new book entitled Coloring Outside the Lines. It is the fourth volume published by the class. Selected class members will read their stories or poems from the volume. Copies will be on sale for a special Grove price of $10.00 to be paid by cash, or check made out to MVGH. Authors will be present to autograph your copies either before or after the convocation presentation. In addition to class writings, the book contains a short history of the Grove. Residents are welcome to visit and/or join the class which meets each Thursday morning, 10-11:30, in the FLC (north room of Marwick). The class is taught by Anna Walker of Pasadena City College. Anna has been with us at the Grove for over 18 years, and class members will tell you she is cherished as a teacher and mentor. Those attending the Centennial Gala will receive a free copy.

Wendy Tajima

September 5, 2024

3:45 PM

Wendy Tajima, executive presbyter of San Gabriel Presbytery, will give a recap of the 226th General Assembly, held June 26-July 4 in Salt Lake City.  GA gives a snapshot of the state of the denomination, at least at the national level, and Wendy will comment on how our experience in San Gabriel Valley aligns with it.

More History of Monte Vista’s Land Plot

May 30, 2024

4:30 PM

Two members of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Liz Cheadle and Tom Durff, both former attorneys, have been looking into the history of this beautiful piece of land on which we now live. Liz and Tom will present the results of their research and trace the history of the land from the days when it was occupied by members of the Tongva tribe, through Spanish colonization via the San Gabriel Mission, followed by the Mexican land grant of Rancho Santa Anita in 1841, and down to the acquisition by the Synod of California in 1924 under the leadership of James Marwick.

Mona Morales Recalde

May 23, 2024

4:30 PM

Mona Recalde-Mona represents the San Gabrielino band of the Tongva tribe indigenous to the San Gabriel Valley, and is an elder at La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church. The Monte Vista Grove Diversity and Inclusion Committee has been developing a history of this land parcel upon which Monte Vista Grove homes rests. We recognize that MVGH, as part of the San Gabriel Valley, is located on land that was taken by European colonizers from Native Americans. This work is being done at the direction of the MVG Board of Trustees following the leadership of the 2018 PCUSA General Assembly.

David Domke

May 16, 2024

4:30 PM

We are smack in the center of the biggest battle over democracy and voting rights that the United States has ever experienced. Donald Trump and Joe Biden represent diametrically differing visions of the future of this nation, with the fight for voting rights on center stage. We cannot stand and watch. We must dive into learning more AND then take action. This lecture will explore the fight for the right to vote and American democracy in 2024.

Dale Bruner - Commentary on Romans

May 9, 2024

4:30 PM

Dale, a MVGH resident, is a convert of Dr. Henrietta Mears from her deep College Department Class at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, where he found Christ, Kathy, and his calling to be a Bible teacher. He received his doctorate at University of Hamburg, Germany. Then he and Kathy were Presbyterian missionaries at the Union Theological Seminary of the Philippines for 10 years, and finally he served as a Bible teacher for 22 years at Whitworth College. He has deeply enjoyed writing commentaries on Matthew, John, and Romans, and is now working on a translation of the New Testament. He says, “My favorite passage in the New Testament is Romans 3:21-25a which I will try to unpack in the convocation.”

Mark Eaton - Historical Fiction Now

April 26, 2024

4:30 PM

Mark Eaton is a Professor of English at Azusa Pacific University and an Associate Research Professor of American Literature at Claremont Graduate University. He is the author of Religion and American Literature since 1950 (Bloomsbury Academic, 2020) and the co-editor of Historical Fiction Now (Oxford University Press, 2023). Since 2015, he has been editor-in-chief of the journal Christianity & Literature, published by Johns Hopkins University Press and available on Project MUSE. He and his wife Victoria live in South Pasadena, CA. They have two boys, Andrew and Elliot. Mark Eaton will discuss a new book that he co-edited with Bruce Holsinger from the University of Virginia titled Historical Fiction Now (Oxford University Press, 2023). Historical Fiction Now brings together prominent authors, historians, and literary critics to explore historical fiction in the 21st-century. The writer David Ebershoff, who is from Pasadena and went to Polytechnic High School, has a chapter in the book about writing his novel The Danish Girl. Mark Eaton has a chapter in the book about alternate-history novels, such as The Plot Against America by Philip Roth. The late Hilary Mantel, author of the Wolf Hall trilogy, contributed an afterword to the volume. Other contributors include Geraldine Brooks, Maaza Mengiste, Namwali Serpell, and George Saunders.

We Will Remember: Stories from the Writing Class

April 18, 2024

4:30 PM

Some members of the Life Review Class (aka writing class) will read their stories and poetry. This has always been a popular Convocation. Residents are welcome to visit and/or join the class which meets each Thursday morning, 10-11:30, in the FLC (north room of Marwick). The class is taught by AnnaWalker of Pasadena City College. Anna has been with us at the Grove for over18 years, and class members will tell you she is cherished as a teacher and mentor.

Palestine/Israel Conflict

April 11, 2024

4:30 PM

On the evening of March 18, the Pasadena City Council convened an open community forum to consider the approval of a ceasefire resolution for Israel-Palestine. For four hours people gave 1 minute statements expressing their perspective on this proposal. Jews and Muslims, residents of Pasadena with relational connections to Israeli village and Palestinian communities in Gaza, expressed their views with passion. After the conclusion of public comments, the City Council deliberated for over an hour and eventually passed a declaration with three stipulations: 1.A Call for an immediate bilateral ceasefire; 2. The release of all hostages on both sides of the conflict; and 3. The immediate importation of adequate supplies to guarantee that the residents of Gaza have ongoing access to food, water, medicine, and other essential supplies.

Maundy Thursday Service

March 28, 2024

4:30 PM

In observance of Maundy Thursday, there will be no regularly scheduled convocation this week. Instead, Maundy Thursday service will take place at Marwick Place at 4pm.

Palestine—World Day of Prayer

March 21, 2024

4:30 PM

“I beg you . . . bear with one another in love . . .” Ephesians 4:1-7. This convocation is a worship service written by Palestinian Christian women. World Day of Prayer is an ecumenical movement in 170 countries. Donations support small grants to women’s groups. To contribute, make your check payable to World Day of Prayer U.S.A. and bring it to the convocation.

Margaret Anne Kean

March 14, 2024

4:30 PM

Margaret Anne Kean, poet and daughter of beloved longtime MVGH residents Don and Lee Hawthorne, received her BA in British/American Literature from Scripps College. After raising her family, she earned her MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University/Los Angeles in December 2020. Her chapbook collection of poems, Cleaving the Clouds, was published by Kelsay Books in 2023. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee; her work has appeared or is forthcoming in various journals including Amethyst Review, Eunoia Review, San Antonio Review, EcoTheo Review, and Tupelo Quarterly. Margaret is the Assistant Dean for Development at USC Gould School of Law and lives in Pasadena with Jeff, her husband of 40 years. A statement on the book cover hails these poems that “‘speak in gentle voices,’ strong yet quiet, reverent yet contemplative.” She will be reading poems to us that may well touch our own memories.

The Ascent of a Global Woman Leader - Anastasia Hansel

March 6, 2024

4:30 PM

Anastasia Hansel is an Adventure Coach who connects women in the USA who are caught in the Poverty of Affluence with under-resourced women globally. Through her ministry, lives are changed, hope is restored, and destinies are altered on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Anastasia grew up as a “third-culture kid” with a beloved pet monkey whom she lost as her missionary family was dramatically rescued from the former Belgian Congo during the revolution. She was educated in French-speaking Belgian schools before coming to the US, and recently lectured in French to over 500 Congolese people in the DRC, where she returns and serves in a variety of ways, often through Tirzah. Anastasia earned her Masters in Global Leadership from Fuller Seminary, and founded and leads Global Women in Leadership Networks, through which she has ministered to tribes of women of Rwanda and Congo who are victims of rape warfare. Over the years, she has led teams of women bicyclists in the US (from Death Valley to Mt. Whitney) and across Africa to raise awareness and funds for solar lights. She was also co-founder of Women of Vision, a non-profit, philanthropic aspect of World Vision which educates mid-upper class women in the US about the plight of under-resourced women by leading trips to Central America and East Africa.

Ron White

February 29, 2024

4:30 PM

Ron White, has published a new book, On Great Fields: The Life and Unlikely Heroism of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, another of his writings on American history. At this Convocation, Ron will speak about the process of research for this book, as well as give us insights into Chamberlain’s remarkable life.

Residents Executive Council

February 22, 2024

4:30 PM

REC develops an annual plan to enhance the development of community here at the Grove. At this convocation, REC will provide information about that plan and solicit feedback from residents.

George Gershwin’s Music Written in 1924

February 14, 2024

4:30 PM

Here we are celebrating Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday together in this New Year of 2024. What better way could we begin this year, than by also celebrating the beginning of our 100th year Centennial anniversary here at MVGH. We’ll begin by hearing Jeanne Cobb sing some of Gershwin’s hit songs that he wrote in 1924, followed by Marilyn Manning who will be playing the original piano arrangement of George Gershwin’s famous Rhapsody in Blue, that he also composed in 1924.

African-American Jazz

February 8, 2024

3 PM

Richard (“88 Fingers”) Turner, Jr. is a phenomenal producer, songwriter, and performer. Richard began performing at the age of 10. He has developed an extensive and varied musical repertoire that includes jazz, gospel, stage plays, and hip-hop. He has also proven to be an outstanding choir director and organist for several churches in the Los Angeles area where he resides. For the last 18 years, he has worked as musical director for smooth jazz sensation, saxophonist Eric Darius, and serves as minister of music at Full Gospel Baptist Church.

African-American Church Music

February 1, 2024

4:30 PM

Dr. Sandra McKinney will give a history and background on hymns and anthems written and composed by African-American artists. Among other accomplishments, her public relations work took her backstage to several award shows such as the Grammys and Soul Train awards. She was a music columnist for the ACC newspaper, and later a radio personality who interviewed musicians, gospel artists, and local leaders including Louis Gossett Jr., Tom Sellick, Rosa Parks, Bishop Paul Morton, and Byron Cage. She has performed in concert with Jester Hairston, Ambassador Andrew Young, Mimi Redd, Elder DeAndre Patterson, and John Patten of The Color Purple. For four years, she taught at Dr. Margaret Douroux's Heritage Music Conference and had her music recorded by the Conference Choir.

Growing With and For Others at all Stages of Life

January 11, 2024

4:30 PM

The experience of being beholden—to be seen and known—and to be beloved—cherished and accepted fully—whether by another or by God—is perhaps the most profound human experience and is essential for thriving. Such relationships allow us to be and become ourselves. We only thrive with and for others and God. How then in an era characterized by isolation, rapid change, and unrest, and during a stage of life marked by decline and loss, how then do we thrive?

The Unfolding Story of a 20 Year Ministry in Aotearoa New Zealand 

January 4, 2024

4:30 PM

The January 4th Convocation speaker will be Jim Symons talking about his two decades of ministry in New Zealand or Aotearoa – the Maori name meaning “land of the long white cloud.” He graduated from Williams College, then attended seminary at Yale Divinity School and St. Andrews University, Scotland before getting his MDiv in 1960 and a DMin in 1987 at San Francisco Theological Seminary. Jim and his wife Marilyn shared ministries in five different states before retirement in 1999. In 2001 they sensed a calling to New Zealand that unfolded to include ten short-term ministries with eight different congregations over a twelve year period.

A Church of the Community

December 14, 2023

4:30 PM

Silverlake Community Church (PCUSA), led by Rev. Kyle Joachim, has a very close ministry with the unhoused community near them. Rev Joachim will talk about dealing with food insecurity, clothing, and documentation, and have seen some of these people begin to associate themselves with Silverlake Church.

Carrie Holzman-Little and Family

DECEMBER 7, 2023

4:30 PM

Carrie Holzman-Little has been teaching senior strength classes on Tuesdays at Monte Vista for years, but in real life, she is an accomplished violist who has been assistant principal violist of the Pasadena Symphony of the Pasadena Symphony for 30 years and member of the Hollywood Bowl orchestra since its inception. She is personnel manager for several orchestras, and oversees hiring of orchestras at All Saints Episcopal and Pasadena Presbyterian.

Nancy Taylor, Executive Director of the Presbyterian Historical Society

November 9, 2023

4:30 PM

Nancy J. Taylor is the Executive Director of the Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS) in Philadelphia. She started at PHS in 1999 as the Records Archivist, working primarily with congregations and mid councils from around the country on how to manage, preserve, and share their records and histories. From 2011 to 2019, she served as Director of Programs and Services at PHS before being named executive director in 2019. Nancy is a certified archivist and holds degrees in U.S. history from the University of Texas at Austin and a master’s in library and information science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is a member of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church in Bryn Mawr, PA.

New Residents Daniel and Catherine Cummings

November 2, 2023

4:30 PM

Daniel and Catherine Cummings have moved into A21 as of Thursday, 9/28. They are coming to MVGH from Beverly Hills where they were active members of the Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church for 35 years. Catherine was the Executive Assistant to Rev. Dr. James Morrison (late resident of MVGH along with his wife Sarah Morrison) for 20 years. Catherine assisted in the management of the church, the congregational care ministries, new member classes, and support for the worship services. Danny was an active member of the community and served on Session. His place of service was largely in the Narthex each Sunday greeting people and organizing ushers to receive the offering.

New Residents Keith BeEbe + Marguerite Schuster

October 26, 2023

4:30 PM

Keith Edward Beebe recently retired as Professor of Theology at Whitworth University in Spokane, where, since 2001, he taught Church History, Western Civilization, and Biblical Studies; and also served nine years as Theology department chair and fourteen years as director of the large-lecture Core 150 Worldview Studies program. He was the recipient of the 2005 Graves Award and is the author of mulpitple publications. He is currently working on a book about the 1742 Cambuslang Revival (Scotland) and its contribution to the broader, transatlantic Great Awakening. Prior to joining the Whitworth faculty, Keith served at Knox Presbyterian Church, Spokane, was Interim Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Whitefish, MT, and Associate Pastor of Evangelism & Discipleship at Millbrook Presbyterian Church in Fresno, CA. He received his BA in Music Education at The College of Idaho, his M.Div. at Fuller Theological Seminary, and his Ph.D. in Church History at King’s College, University of Aberdeen, Scotland.

Marguerite Shuster is exepected to move into C61 sometime before the year ends. She was born in Oxnard, CA and completed her higher education at Stanford University where she received a BA in Psychology and M.Div. & Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary. She was ordained in 1980 and has done service for the churches of Arcadia Presbyterian Church and Knox Presbyterian Church as well as Fuller Theological Seminary. Marguerite has two dogs, a border collie and german shepard/aussie mix, who will be moving to MVGH with her.

San Marino Community Church Pastoral Resident Beth Putney + Tom Tewell

October 19, 2023

4:30 PM

Rev. Beth Putney is the inaugural, two-year, Pastoral Resident for Theology and Culture at San Marino Community Church. A graduate of Sarah Lawrence College, she earned her Master’s of Divinity, Master’s of Christian Education and Formation (Ministry with Young People track), and Certificate in Theology, Women, and Gender from Princeton Theological Seminary in May 2023. While at Princeton, Beth was involved in several grant initiatives pertaining to innovation in the church including Teaching Spiritual Entrepreneurship funded by Trinity Wall Street and the Ministry Collaboratory for Young Adult Ministry funded by the Lilly Endowment. She was Rev. Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean’s research assistant and was selected to author the companion workbook to Dr. Dean’s latest book, Innovating for Love: Joining God’s Expedition through Christian Social Innovation. The recipient of the 2022 Covin Award in Youth Ministry and the 2023 recipient of the Robert Boyd Munger Award in Youth Ministry, Beth is also a member of the first cohort of the Polaris Young Adult Leadership Network, a ministry housed at Princeton Theological Seminary to connect and equip young adults innovating in the church.

Beth, who also happens to be a resident of MVGH, will be interviewed by Rev. Dr. Tom Tewell, the overseer of the residency program at SMCC. Conversation will focus on innovation in the church and there will be ample time for questions

New Residents Peggy Krong + Bob and Judy Cassell

October 12, 2023

4:30 PM

Rev. Garnet Marguerite (Peggy) Krong was an Associate Pastor at Westwood Presbyterian Church from 2000-2012 and before that at Holy Trinity in San Antonio, TX. She has also worked as a Christian Educator in Oakland, CA and a Resident Minister at the University of San Francisco while she was in seminary. Peggy has two children, Holly and Meghan and two grandchildren, Rowan and Ian. Bob and Judy were born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They met in the high school youth group at First Presbyterian Church, downtown. Sensing a strong call to pastoral ministry, Bob attended the University of Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary while Judy attended Muskingum College. Following his graduation in 1966, they were married. Judy and Bob became partners in ministry. Installed pastoral positions include congregations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Indiana, and California. Bob felt a strong call to interim transition ministry and, building on the D. Min. he earned at PTS in 1978, he earned the designation Professional Transition Specialist (PTS) from the Interim Ministry Network (IMN) and served as interim pastor for eleven congregations in California, Illinois, and Arizona churches. Continued professional development in this ministry specialty continued for more than three decades. Along the way Judy earned a masters degree in marriage and family therapy and integrated her knowledge of family systems within the context of ministry. Judy and Bob have three adult children and two grandchildren who live in the Los Angeles area.

Fernando guerra

October 5, 2023

4:30 PM

Fernando J. Guerra, professor of political science and chicana/o latina/o studies, is the founding director of the Center for the Study of Los Angeles at Loyola Marymount University. His area of scholarly work is in local governance, urban politics, and racial and ethnic politics. Dr. Guerra has been a principal investigator in over 20 major studies on Los Angeles, leadership studies and electoral politics. He is also the principal investigator for the largest general social survey in the Los Angeles region.

Jack Lantz Music Director at LCPC Music of Cole Porter

September 28, 2023

4:30 PM


Kristen Leucht Board of Pensions Medical Plan

September 21, 2023

4:30 PM

The Reverend Kristin Leucht joined the Board of Pensions in 2019 and became a Senior Church Consultant in July 2021. Prior to joining the Board, she served as an Executive Pastor at La Cañada Presbyterian Church in California. In addition to serving for over 21 years as an Associate Pastor, Kristin has participated in leadership of the Synod of Southern California and Hawaii, and of the Presbytery of San Fernando. She has been a member of the Committee on Ministry as well as the Committee on Preparation for Ministry of the Presbytery of San Fernando. Kristin has a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Davis, and a Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary. She is currently working towards a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership degree from Point Loma Nazarene University. Kristin and her husband, Chris, reside in La Crescenta and are parents to two young adult children. Aaron is a recent graduate of the University of Arizona and works for Deloitte in Phoenix. Allison is a sophomore at Point Loma Nazarene University studying kinesiology with the hopes of becoming a physical therapist. Presbyteries in Kristin’s region are in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Nebraska, Utah, California, and Hawaii.

New Residents: Don & Bev Hagner and Charles Svendsen

September 14, 2023

4:30 PM


New Residents: Sandy Tice, Tom Rennard & Patches Thomas

September 7, 2023

4:30 PM

Sandy Tice grew up in Eagle Rock and as a teenager raised money for her presbyterian youth group by attaching flowers to parade floats during the last week of December each year. In some ways, arriving at MVGH for her Third Chapter feels like coming full circle. She and her husband Tom Rennard met in Pasadena (at Fuller), married in Pasadena and have served as pastors in Southern California for decades. She has been a camp director, youth pastor, spiritual director and pastor’s wife as well as a pastor. Her grown daughter Bethany lives in Brooklyn and is a graphic designer. Most recently, Sandy was pastor at First Pres San Bernardino.

Janet Logan received her teaching credential and Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Southern California. Janet and her husband, Dr. Robert Logan, live in Pasadena. In her late 30s, Janet attended a support group. The group’s honest and open discussion of personal matters, without judgment or unsolicited advice, made such a profound impression that Janet has spent the rest of her life starting support groups. She recruits, trains, and supervises facilitators and develops curriculum. She expanded beyond the topic of grief to life skills, such as anger management, forgiveness, and childhood spiritual development. She wrote the book, Child-Centered Spirituality.

As a senior adult, Janet developed a series of workshops with Martha Clark called “Ending Well.” The workshops give practical information to help lighten the load of family members and offer guidance those who will be handling financial, medical, and relational responsibilities after death. Martha Clark has specialized in Human Development. She taught at Pacific Oaks College for 27 years where she created classes in elder years development and aging. Martha is a native of Pasadena and a grandmother of two. She enjoys gardening, her dog “Cody,” and volunteering with “Ending Well.” She says, “As I’ve aged, I’ve come to appreciate the blessings and challenges of the elder years. The Ending Well workshops provide an opportunity to engage with others about how best to navigate these blessings and challenges.”

Janet Logan and Martha Clark

May 25, 2023
4:30 PM

rev. Harlon redmond

May 18, 2023
4:30 PM

Rev. Harlan Redmond was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. He served in the United States Army for 5 years in Germany and throughout Europe and is a veteran of the Iraq War. He has a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership from Azusa Pacific University and a Masters in Teaching with an emphasis in Urban Education from the University of Southern California. Harlan served for 7 years as Executive Director/ Principal of Harambee Preparatory School, a Christian elementary school for low-income students. Harlan is a recent graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, graduating with a master’s in divinity. After graduating from seminary, Harlan and his family moved back to Southern California to launch a new worshiping community, called Interwoven, it is a church plant that is dedicated to engaging in the process of Oneness as Jesus prayed in John 17. The church officially launched Easter Sunday of 2022. On December 18, 2022, Rev. Harlan was ordained. Harlan and his wife of 20 years, Nanyamka, reside in Pasadena, California with their three sons, Harlan Jr., Dietrich, and Langston Scott Redmond. Rev. Redmond loves to travel, learn the basics of new languages and attempt of playing golf. His favorite Theologians include: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Reinhold Niebuhr, Kwok Pui-lan, William James Jennings, Howard Thurman, Paul Tillich, and James H. Cone.

Dr. Alison wong

May 11, 2023
4:30 PM

Dr. Alison G. Wong Ph.D., LMFT, the Program and Clinical Director of the Cancer Support Community of Pasadena, will be the guest speaker for our Convocation on Thursday, May 11. For over 33 years the Cancer Support Community of Pasadena has been offering free services so that no one, or their loved ones, has to face cancer alone. Dr. Wong will outline the present virtual and in-person programs offered by the Cancer Support Community. She will also highlight the upcoming changes, which the Community is so excited about. These changes will enhance their service to the Greater San Gabriel Valley through their first permanent home in Sierra Madre.


April 27, 2023
4:30 PM

Neil grew up in the 50’s on a small family farm southwest of Chicago, near Joliet, Illinois. During his junior year of high school his mother arranged to look through a neighboring son’s telescope. Unknowingly that set the course for an interest in space that ultimately found him at JPL in deep space navigation. Northrop Aircraft of Los Angeles hired him in June 1966, and for 6 months he worked atop Palos Verdes Peninsula. Following the demise of that program he started working as a contractor at JPL in March 1967. A year later he switched from contractor to employee where he’s continued to work for a total of 56 years and counting. He's always worked in deep space navigation, indirectly supporting many missions, and a member of the navigation team on others. Some of those included the first Mars orbiter, the first Mars landers, and over 120 launches in a 20-year span. Recent missions include the Mars Science Laboratory rover in 2012, InSight in 2018 (placing a seismometer on the surface of Mars), and the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover and Ingenuity helicopter. He’s also worked with numerous international space agencies in Europe, Japan and India. Thanks to Gary Demarest he met his wife at Hollywood Presbyterian Church, and is active at La Canada Presbyterian Church playing in the hand bell choir and a Stephen Minister. He will speak on the subject of “All the Way to Mars & Beyond”

marsha v. rood

aPRIL 20, 2023
4:30 pm

Community leaders saw that Old Pasadena had significant value because it was an authentic place and would provide unique experiences that could not be duplicated elsewhere. Marsha Rood served as the City of Pasadena’s Development Administrator from 1982 – 2000 and was responsible for a nationally recognized program of redevelopment and economic revitalization for Downtown Pasadena, including Old Pasadena. She more recently served as the Community Development Director of the City of Culver and principal of her own company, Urban Reinventions.

new residents

April 11, 2023
4:30 PM

Introducing Liz Cheadle and Judy & Tom Durff.

Elizabeth nordquist

March 30, 2023
4:30 PM

In our lifetime we have seen the locations of women in the Church evolve with the changing of the times. Elizabeth will share her view, having lived in and serve the Church in Southern California, where she began, where she was called and what she hope and dreams for the uncharted days ahead. Elizabeth Nordquist is the retired Director of Student Services and Associate Professor of Spirituality at San Francisco Theological Seminary in Southern California. On the faculty of SFTS/SC she taught the Introduction of Ministry courses, the Internship Integration courses, and courses in spirituality. She was a pastor in several churches in the Presbytery of the Pacific from 1983-1997. She presently has a ministry of spiritual direction, as well as preaches and teaches locally and around the country. She was trained in spiritual direction in the Diploma of the Art of Spiritual Direction at SFTS, concurrently with earning her D.Min. She now worships at Westwood Presbyterian Church in Westwood, Los Angeles. She recommends reading 2 Timothy 1: 5-7.

Kathleen Berns Albrektson

March 17, 2023
4:00 PM

Kathleen Berns Albrektson is the founding partner of Albrektson & Shumate Law Offices, a firm devoted to Estate Planning, Trust Administration, Probate, Elder Law, and Business Law.

Her firm consistently receives the “Best Law Firm of the County” designation by readers of the San Bernardino Sun/Redlands Daily Facts. Kathy grew up in Indianapolis and followed her brother, Don Berns, to Duke University where she was a National Merit Scholarship Finalist and majored in religion. She has a Master's Degree in Religion. She graduated with honors from The University of La Verne College of Law.

Kathy served on the full-time staff of Cru (formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ) for 20 years. She was active in women's ministries in Indiana, California, and the Philippines. Prior to going into private practice, Kathleen was a corporate attorney and Director of Planned Giving for Cru.

Andrea shaw, m.d.

March 9, 2023
4:00 PM

Andrea Victoria Shaw, M.D., Director of the Refugee Health team at Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, New York.  Afghan refugees face medical and other challenges as they settle into new home in America.  

The United States accepted more than 65,000 people from Afghanistan after the U.S. and allied troops left the country in 2021, and less than a month later, Upstate’s Refugee Health team was caring for the first families of Afghan refugees to arrive in the Syracuse area. That work continues, as described by Andrea Shaw, MD, the doctor who leads the Refugee Health team.

Shaw, a doctor who specializes in internal medicine and pediatrics, will share with us what these new refugees are dealing with.  Syracuse, New York is a “sanctuary city.” 

world day of prayer

March 2, 2023
4:00 pm

World Day of Prayer Jean Woo, Rachel Lausch and Jane Vásquez “I have heard about your faith….” Ephesians 1: 15-19. World Day of Prayer is an ecumenical movement led by women and celebrated worldwide since 1927. This year the Christian women of Taiwan take us into their lives through prayer and song. It is an invitation to active listening in the midst of suffering and injustice. Theirs is a witness of faith despite many obstacles.

Elder Alfreda vencile thomas

February 23, 2022
4:00 PM PT

Elder Alfreda Concile Thomas was born in Pensacola, Florida in the 1930s, where legally entrenched systems of discrimination and segregation were apparent in all facets of that city. She decided at an early age she wanted to play a part in making changes to that system of living in. In the early 40’s, she moved to Montgomery, AL, only to discover that those disparities and conditions existed there as well.

Under the leadership of Dr. Martin Luther King, she actively participated in the 1955 Montgomery Bus Project. From listening to Rev. King, her pastor, speak on the power of love and peaceful protest, she joined the Nonviolent Civil Rights Movement.

Her ever-abiding mottos are: “Be a brave and strong advocate for what you desire, believe in it and do it through God because nothing great comes easy, but with God everything is possible.”

Rev. Dr. Martha C. Taylor

February 16, 2023
4:00 PM PT

Rev. Dr. Martha C. Taylor is a long-time member of the historic Allen Temple Baptist Church where she serves as the Archivist/Church Historian, and served as   the past Historian for the Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc., Wash. D.C.   Dr. Taylor is an assistant pastor, educator, professor, author, newspaper columnist and social activist.   

She has served as the installed pastor of Elmhurst Presbyterian church, and interim pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, both in Oakland.  She is dually ordained, Baptist and Presbyterian.

She has been featured in “Who’s Who Among Black Americans for 5 consecutive years for her contributions in mass transportation including consulting in Argentina, Egypt, Canada, and U.S. facilities.   She is a weekly columnist for the Oakland Post Newspaper Group.

dr. hansonia caldwell harriford

february 9, 2023
4:00 PM PT

Dr. Hansonia Caldwell Harriford, is professor of music emeritus at California State University Dominguez Hills. She holds degrees in musicology from Boston University (B.Mus.) and from the University of Southern California (MA and PhD), and built a career as a distinguished pianist, accompanist, conductor, church organist, university administrator and scholar.

Over the years, she has been an active member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She has been involved with the music ministry of Knox Presbyterian Church of Baltimore (beginning at age 8), 2nd Unitarian Church of Boston, Vermont Avenue/Community Presbyterian Church of Los Angeles, and Knox Presbyterian Church of Ladera Heights. She is now a member of the board of the Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles.

The Rev. Kamal Hassan (MDiv) is a radical theologian, an insurgent intellectual, and a committed social troublemaker. He is a pastor who seeks to build worship community that centers the stories and lives of Black women and is inclusive of Queer, Trans, and gender nonconforming folks. His current calls are as Senior Pastor at the Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church, as an Adjunct Professor and Campus Pastor at the Pacific School of Religion, and out in these streets as a worker for human rights and God’s justice over empire.

Reverend kamal hassan

february 2, 2023
4:00 PM PT

The war in ukraine and the russian orthodox church
with dr. john burgess

January 26, 2023
4:00 PM PT

Dr. John Burgess, professor of Systematic Theology at Pittsburgh Seminary who has spent three years in Russia, will speak on the complete turnaround of the Russian Orthodox Church’s relationship with Vladimir Putin during the invasion and subsequent war in Ukraine.

mark chase,
rector at all saints church

January 12, 2023
4:00 PM PT

Chase holds a Masters of Divinity from Fuller Seminary, and is deeply committed to pursuing racial justice, pursuing the real Jesus, and helping to dismantle the burdens of white supremacy and the myriad ways it manifests itself within ourselves and our communities. He has spent the last several years of his pastoral ministry experience at Fellowship Church in Monrovia (2014-2021), and Fellowship’s Center for Racial Reconciliation. He was drawn to All Saints due to its history of being a prophetic witness for the marginalized, as well as its recent history of providing a safe refuge to those advocating for Black Lives. He will share with us how the words and actions of Dr. King relate to our lives today.


January 5, 2023
4:00 PM PT

Richard Bell teaches Early American history at the University of Maryland. He has received several teaching prizes and major research fellowships including the National Endowment for the Humanities Public Scholar Award. His first book, We Shall Be No More: Suicide and Self-Government in the Newly United States, was published in 2012. His presentation is based on his recently published book: Stolen: Five Free Boys Kidnapped into Slavery and Their Astonishing Odyssey Home.

Join the MVGH family as we celebrate the Advent/Christmas Season in a concert which features residents, as well as friends of Rev. Glenn L. Jones, concert coordinator and MVGH resident.


December 15, 2022
4:00 PM PT


December 8, 2022
4:00 PM PT

We will hear from leaders in Spokane who have been at the forefront of welcoming Russians and Ukrainians into the Spokane Christian community.

Boris Borisov came to Spokane from Odessa, Ukraine, when he was a young boy. For many years, Boris worked as a senior project developer for Spokane, guiding the city through major renovation efforts in numerous neighborhoods. Boris completed his M.A. in Theology from Whitworth University and is now the pastor of Pacific Keep Church, a congregation known for its intercultural approach to ministry with refugees.

Mark Finney completed his M.Div and Ph.D. degrees at Fuller Seminary, then moved to Spokane to plant a church, and along the way became the Director of World Relief Spokane. During his five-year tenure, World Relief Spokane became known for partnering with 35 churches to create Good Neighbor Teams as churches built relationships with refugees living in their neighborhood. Last winter, Mark left World Relief to start Thrive International, a ministry to address the housing needs of refugees.

In April and May, Boris and Mark along with state, county, and city officials, and a group of private investors joined to turn a hotel into a place of welcome for hundreds of Ukrainians fleeing the war in their country. This should be an exciting and challenging conversation!

Dr. Dan Hyslop

December 1, 2022
4:00 PM PT

Dr. Hyslop is the chair of the Marol Academy, a non-profit that Barbara helped to incorporate and chaired their board for 10 years.


Victoria Eaton, Adam Villegas, Edgar Curiel

November 17, 2022
4:00 PM PT

Wellness Coordinator Victoria Eaton organizes programs at the Wellness Center which involves classes, one on one wellness education, gym maintenance, and resident community interaction. “What I love is hearing stories about residents and seeing them put to action their love of life physically, emotionally and socially. I get joy out of seeing how well this community functions. I love learning and I get to do that here.”

Adam Villegas, Director of Environmental Services, finds each day full of surprises, keeping him ‘on my toes’. “I enjoy working with staff in different departments, residents and incoming residents. I enjoy our campus and the beautiful grounds, it gives me a peace when I’m walking the campus. I appreciate coming to a place that appreciates me.

Our Business Office Manager, Edgar Curiel, sees the nature of his job as a mix of continuously moving parts that deal with scheduling, communicating and the occasional completion of ‘duties as needed ‘. “The thing I like most about my job is strong sense of community from residents and staff at MVGH. Everyone has been so welcoming and always willing to lend a helping hand.”

Pasadena Education Network (PEN) Presentation:

Susan Savitt Schwartz

November 10, 2022
4:00 PM PT

Susan Savitt Schwartz has served as the Program Director for PEN since 2008. A 23-year resident of Altadena and mother of two daughters, she also serves on the national leadership team for

Pasadena Education Network is an independent grass-roots nonprofit organization that was founded by parents, for parents, in 2006. PEN’s mission is to promote family involvement in public education in the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) so all children benefit. Now a network of more than 2,000 parents who support and send our children to PUSD Schools, PEN provides information, free community programs and services that help parents explore, evaluate, and engage constructively with their public schools. Susan will talk about how PEN's work has evolved to serve a more diverse audience, and why changing the narrative about public education is more important now than ever.


Lloyd Evans &

Karen Kiser

November 3, 2022
4:00 PM PT

Today we will introduce and welcome our newest Monte Vista Grove Homes residents: Karen Kiser and Lloyd Evans. Karen is a cradle Presbyterian who went to seminary in her thirties and has been a youth leader, Christian educator, and pastor who appreciates reformed theology. She was on the MVGH board of Trustees from 2006 to 2015. Lloyd’s career includes 30 years as a teacher and Dean at a community college, 11 years as pastor at Mingus View Presbyterian Church in Arizona, and 3 interim ministries. Karen will be interviewed by Tom Erickson, and Lloyd will be interviewed by Ron White. Please join us as we welcome these new friends to the Grove campus.

“Access to arts education among students with functional variations: an opportunity for change?“

Christopher John Mathieu, PhD

October 27, 2022
4:00 PM PT

To promote human flourishing throughout society, opportunities for arts participation must encompass all citizens. A primary means to promote this is arts education and activities for schoolchildren. Equal opportunities for participation are currently not enjoyed by students with disabilities, according to a 2016 public-health survey including 27,395 students with and without disabilities, in the Swedish region of Skäne.

Chris Mathieu is Associate Professor in the Sociology of Work and Organisations at Lund University, Sweden. His research also includes the Sociology of the arts, and he is currently Chair of the European Sociological Associations Research Network on the Sociology of the Arts.

He has recently edited Accomplishing Cultural Policy in Europe: Financing, Governance and Responsiveness (Routledge, 2022, with Valerie Visanich) and the Oxford Handbook of Job Quality (OUP, 2022; with Chris Warhurst and Rachel Dwyer).

What’s Going On Here? Stumbling Towards the Kin-dom

Wendy S. Tajima

October 20, 2022
4:00 PM PT

Rev. Wendy S. Tajima, Executive Presbyter for the Presbytery of San Gabriel, will reflect on current efforts at San Gabriel and in the recent General Assembly to make structural changes needed for the Presbyterian Church (USA) to reflect and celebrate the richness of God’s family. As a cradle Presbyterian who is continuing the family “business” surrounded by new Presbyterians, Wendy has appreciation for the Presbyterian tradition, and the promise for the future.

Wendy was born and raised in Pasadena. Her grandfather was an immigrant Japanese pastor and her uncle was her pastor throughout her childhood. Her family members have
engaged in intercultural relationships and the Christian church since the

Since college, Wendy worked with battered women and their children, then earned an MBA and worked for Apple Computer while volunteering as a trainer against racism and sexual violence. Wendy was a manager in Apple’s Evangelism Department when she started seminary. She was ordained in 1997 and served ecumenically in Hawai‘i for 10 years. Since returning to California, she worked at SFTS and as a Stated Clerk before coming home to San Gabriel. She is currently a GAPJC Commissioner and strives to encourage more diverse voices to be heard in the church.

An interview with:

Dr. Bridgett Green

October 13, 2022
4:00 PM PT

On October 13, at 4 pm, Dean Thompson will conduct a Convocation interview with Bridgett A. Green, Vice President of Publishing for The Presbyterian Publishing Corporation and Editorial Director of Westminster John Knox Press. She is the first woman and the first African American person in this position in the nearly 200-year old Press. She was formerly Assistant Professor of New Testament at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. From 2013-2018 Green served as an acquisitions editor for Westminster John Knox Press. She has served on the boards of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, the Presbyterian Outlook, and the Montreat Conference Center. She is a graduate of Davidson College, Princeton Theological Seminary (M. Div.), and Vanderbilt University (Ph. D. in New Testament and Early Christianity).

The Church as Servant in the Voting Rights Mission

Bruce Calkins

October 6, 2022
4:00 PM PT

From the 1880’s through the 1960’s, a Black person who tried to vote in Mississippi risked death. In 1963 and 64, John Lewis and Bob Moses, leaders of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), demanded that the opportunity to vote be a right of citizenship, not a privilege of race. Bruce Calkins, a MVGH resident who in 1964 was Pastor of a Black and Puerto Rican congregation in the Bronx, will share the story of how he and other Presbyterians helped shift from the role of leader to the role of servant in Hattiesburg Mississippi.

Being Post-Pentecostal

Franklin woo

September 29, 2022
4:00 PM PT

“Being Post-Pentecostal” means to see the “mighty works of God” not in one’s own language such as the “Parthians, Medes, and Elamites,” as recorded in the book of Acts 2, but in the language of the other and how they see what it means to be truly human. Applying this to our need to be inclusive toward Asians today here at MVGH and across America, we need to see the bigger picture of all the negative reports on U.S. social and news media that have influenced more than 80% of the American public against Asians in general and Chinese in particular. The U.S. political elites see themselves in a Unipolar World; we need to recognize the world as becoming Multipolar and adjust to China’s rise and work cooperatively with it.

Franklin Woo was born in San Francisco Chinatown, served in the Navy during World War II, and studied life sciences at UC Berkeley and San Francisco. After studies at SFTS, San Anselmo (later at Columbia Teachers College and Union Theological Seminary, New York) he served 16 years in Hong Kong working with refugee students from China and as chaplain and lecturer in Religion and Philosophy at Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong. In 1976 he became Director of the China Program, National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA. Since retirement he and Jean have been residents of MVGH for 25 years.

Hispanics/Latinos in the U.S. Today

Edmundo and Jane Vásquez

September 22, 2022
4:00 PM PT

September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic American Heritage Month. Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua all celebrate their independence from Spain during September. Today in the U.S. more than 62 million people (18% of the
population) identify as Hispanic or Latino.

The Southwest was annexed by the U.S. in 1848, bringing in a large Spanish-speaking population. Hispanic migration to the 20th and 21st c. was driven by displacement and economic instability caused by regional civil wars, in which the U.S. government had involvement. The wars ended, but economic instability remained—as did migration. This convocation attempts to explain who Hispanic Americans are and how they contribute to our national identify.

Cultivating a Compassionate Community

Rev. Dr. Mark Whitlock

September 15, 2022
4:00 PM PT




April 7, 2022
4:00 PM PT

Dale Bruner was brought into the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood in the early 1950s where, under the influence of Dr. Henrietta Mears and her College Department, he found Christ, his wife Kathy, and his calling to be a Bible Teacher. With degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and the University of Hamburg (Germany) he taught at Union Theological Seminary (Philippines) and Whitworth University. After moving to Monte Vista Grove in 1997 Dale taught “The Good News Class” at First Presbyterian, Hollywood, for 18 years. For Convocation he will draw on his recently published Commentary on Romans (2021) to explore the relation of Romans 3:21-15a, the single deepest summary of the Gospel in the New Testament, to Isaiah 53, the deepest single presentation of the coming Gospel in the old T estament.

music program

jennifer miller hammel

April 21, 2022
4:00 PM PT

Jennifer Miller Hammel has been performing professionally as a vocalist, recording artist, and pianist for nearly 20 years. She will perform for us acapella “The Wayfaring Stranger, an important folk song to her and share how did she went from studying to be an opera singer to working as a morning radio host. Many MVGH residents know and appreciate her as a soloist at San Marino Community Church. Jennifer was the featured vocal soloist and pianist with the St. Mary’s College of Maryland Jazz Ensemble, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music. She completed her Master of Music degree in Voice Performance and Pedagogy at Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ. Her vocal career highlights include soprano soloist in Poulenc’s Gloria, Seven Last Words of Christ, and Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, various productions in the ensembles of the Princeton Opera Festival, Pacific Opera Project, Opera Santa Barbara, and Long Beach Opera. In 2017, she shifted her vocal talents from the opera stage to the radio booth where she can be heard weekdays as the morning show host on LA’s classical KUSC and is the host of the nationally syndicated KUSC Opera Show and LA Opera On-Air broadcasts. Most recently, she became the host of POPeracast, the in-house podcast for Southern California’s Pacific Opera Project.



April 28, 2022
4:00 PM PT

Monte Vista Grove resident Terry McGonigal will interview colleagues on the staff of the Whitworth University Office of Church Engagement (OCE) about their interactions with hundreds of churches facing the challenging of the pandemic. Through the OCE’s commitment “to partner with churches and ministries in order to equip disciples and engage culture with the Good News of Jesus,” churches have developed resiliency to carry on ministries in their communities with courage, compassion, and innovation. Multiple examples

will be provided of what the Resilient Church looks like going forward.

Terry McGonigal completed his full time work at Whitworth University as Dean of the Chapel and Campus Pastor (1994-2014) and as the founding Director of the Office of Church Engagement (2014-2020). During his twenty seven year tenure at the University Whitworth deepened and expanded its mission commitment to serve and support churches. This work continues through the OCE’s direction in four different projects funded by the Lilly Endowment.

The writing class

may 5, 2022
4:00 PM PT


Six members of the MVGH Writing Class—Alan Reutter, Howard Den Hartog, Merilie Robertson, Norm Thomas, Tom Wentz, and our special guest, Jean Woo--will share their stories at today’s Convocations. The class is a non-credit course, titled ‘Life Review,’ offered by Pasadena City College, and taught by Professor Anna Walker. Anna is an outstanding teacher, who provides helpful resources each week to aid us who are at various levels in the writing process. Every week there’s a specific prompt and excellent materials provided relevant to ‘life review’ and memoir writing, but all are reminded they are free to use previous prompts or to follow one’s own self-direction. Classmates remark on the safe environment Anna and other classmates create for writing on and sharing difficult life experiences, humorous occasions, mundane events and how to make them engaging for the would-be reader. All agree that enrolling in the writing class is a wonderful way to come to know well and to enjoy the company of our MVGH resident neighbors. Consider joining us--enroll in August for the Fall semester!

Occidental glee club

May 12, 2022
4:00 PM PT

Since 1906, the Occidental Glee Club has played a central role in the life of the College, drawing musicians of the highest caliber and giving voice to their college spirit. They recently presented their first in-person concert in three years. Their director, Desiree LaVertue, also conducts the college chorus and teaches voice classes, choral conducting, and voice lessons. Previously she was director of the glee clubs at Caltech. Several MVGH residents are alumni of Occidental College in Eagle Rock, CA.



May 19, 2022
4:00 PM PT

The Racial Awakening of the Summer of 2020 led to a recommitment on the part of many organizations and institutions to developing systems and structures that are designed for all people, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, ability, or sexual orientation. In general, the objective is to create opportunities and possibilities for all people to achieve their highest potential, to participate fully in society and to be respected as valued members of our communities and institutions. A tall order! How have educational and spiritual organizations responded to this challenge and what might lie ahead as we continue on this path?



May 26, 2022
4:00 PM PT

DR. Lisa Hanson: Thirty Years of Air Force chaplaincy followed by urban parish ministry at Pasadena Presbyterian Church.

A convocation interview with Dean Thompson.

A highly decorated Air Force specialist, Colonel Hansen was born in Los Angeles, raised in Woodland Hills, and attended Princeton Seminary under the care of Bel Air Presbyterian Church.

If you missed last season’s Convocations, click below to find specific programs

New Resident Introductions share personal information and are available privately to MVGH Residents here.