There are many Christians who are not aware of Santa's origin. This is a reminder for most of us that there was a young man named Nicholas who was elected Bishop of Myra in the 300's AD. He has always been one of the most popular saints in the Catholic church, and he is the patron saint of sailors, travelers, bakers, merchants, and especially children.

The Dutch brought Saint Nicholas to America. The name Santa Claus comes from

"Sunterklaas," Dutch for Saint Nicholas. The Presbyterian minister, Clement Moore, gave Santa a "bowl full of jelly" look. The real Nicholas was quite thin. During the Civil War, a cartoonist painted Santa in a red, white, and blue uniform, but the blue has vanished. The rriarvelous time we hc'.tve with Santa and g·ift giving at Christm8s was developed in.our history because of this man of God.

Christmas is a time of receiving God's love in a very special way! It is a time when we have the opportunity to bring a gift to the Manger. This gift is simply and profoundly the gift of ourselves. There is nothing more important under His tree.

May the gracious spirit of Nicholas and the generous spirit of Santa and the love of Jesus Christ be yours

— John Toay, Residents Association President