Please note that there are manila envelopes on the bulletin board next lo the men's bathroom near the cubbies to receive used eyeglasses for the Lions Club, Campbell soup can labels, and soda can tabs for Ronald McDonald House.

Please continue to save your cancelled postage stamps for the Japanese Christian Medical Society. Just tear the stamps off the envelopes, or cut them off with a quarter-inch border. JCMS sells these stamps to collectors (even ordinary ones), and the proceeds constitute about 10% of their budget. Please put them in the manila envelope on the bulletin board or in Mary Froede's or Judy Ballenger's cubbies.

Recycle clean plastic bags In the blue trash can directly behind C58 (the apartment next to the store). There are two rows of trash cans at the west end of the mid-campus parking garage. The blue can closest to the walkway is for plastic bags. Newspapers may be recycled by putting them in paper grocery bags and carrying them to the pale green metal shed just north of garage #34, behind the Wellness Center.

Newspapers may be recycled by putting them in paper grocery bags and carrying them to the pale green metal shed just north of garage #34, behind the Wellness Center.

Do you have books to throw away? Please put them in the very large and heavy cardboard box (about 4 feet square) just inside the white fence at the very east end of the carport across from the Wellness Center. We get 2 cents a pound from an agency that tries to sell and then recycles books.