Spring is in the air! Easter will be only a few days away when you receive this month's Tidings. And, with these "seasons" come new signs of hope and rejoicing as the easing of Covid-relaled restrictions has begun, here at the Grove. HURRAH FOR THE RED TIER!

You can see your friends again: those who have been sequestered in Hearth, Health Center, or Ranch House! Why not sign up and make an appointment to see those friends who have missed you so much?

You can exercise, again, at the Wellness Center! Why not sign up on the appointment sheets in the Commons and take advantage of the exercises that we have missed for so many months?

You can socialize with friends in your own homes, again. Small groups can gather inside even without masks (as long as all have been vaccinated). Why not take the time to share a meal with friends, soon?

Shopping for groceries is becoming easier. While the "shopping team" (three couples who are now in week 56 of supporting this effort) is willing to continue to assist those who really STILL should not venture forth, many of our residents can now more safely shop for themselves (carefully).

The REC "reopening team" is hard at work to define creative and larger ways that we can all be together-especially with the hope of the Orange Tier coming soon. But in the meantime, you are urged to take advantage of those "new" things that are available NOW!

And, with that, a joyous and blessed Easter to all!

-Dave Tomlinson